Environmental Portrait of the Citizen of Ukraine: Comparison with the EU and Recommendations – 2018

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This policy paper incorporates conclusions based on a study of the citizens’ attitudes towards the environment in Ukraine, as well as a comparison with relevant data from the polls in the EU. The paper proposes an analysis of the citizens’ environmental consciousness and their attitudes to environmental issues from the perspective of the EU – Ukraine Association Agreement implementation. The authors give a number of recommendations as to how to improve implementation of the environmental pillar of the Association Agreement with a view of highlighting the need to involve a regular citizen and his/her role in this process.

Executive Summary in English is available for download below.

This policy paper was prepared within the project «Environmentally responsible citizen – a pre-condition for successful implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement» with the support of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation within the framework of the project “Civic Synergy” (http://www.irf.ua/programs/eu/civicsynergy/), under the auspices of the Ukrainian Side of the EU–Ukraine Civil Society Platform. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Resource and Analysis Center «Society and Environment” and does not necessarily reflect views of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation.

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