The new model for settlement of labor disputes in Ukraine
The new model settlement of labor disputes in Ukraine (developed by an expert group). – Kyiv: Ukrainian-Swedish project “Resolving labor disputes in Ukraine”, 2013....
A small selection of our papers dating prior to 2014.
The new model settlement of labor disputes in Ukraine (developed by an expert group). – Kyiv: Ukrainian-Swedish project “Resolving labor disputes in Ukraine”, 2013....
Analytical Review (2013). Download document
The assessment was prepared within the project “Assessment of the Environmental Component of the EU-Ukraine Bilateral Cooperation” (with financial support of the International Renaissance...
Statement of National Platform of Civil Society Forum of the Eastern Partnership on the need for the introduction of environmental impact assessments. Download document
This second edition of Case Law of the Compliance Committee of the Aarhus Convention. The second edition is an expanded version of the first, covering the period...
This publication reflects results of the assessment of the implementation of the environmental component of the EU-Ukraine Action Plan for the period 2005-2008. The...
A. Andrusevych, T. Alge, C. Clemens (eds), Case Law of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee (2004-2008) (RACSE, Lviv 2008). Download document
Environmental performance rating & information disclosure system was for the first completed in Ukraine in 2006-2007 as pilot project, on a regional level. The...